Basic Usage

Creating a .proto File

In the resources/proto/examples directory, the Clojure protobuf project provides an example “person” protobuf:

package protobuf.examples.person;

option java_outer_classname = "Example";

message Person {
  required int32 id = 1;
  required string name = 2;
  optional string email = 3;
  repeated string likes = 4;

Compiling .proto to .java and then to .class

A convenience script is provided to compile this: bin/compile-example-protobufs. This will create a .java file which will be saved in target/examples.

The :test profile in the project.clj file has added target/examples as one of its :java-source-paths – as such, lein will compile the .java files in target/examples to .class so that they can be called from Clojure.

If you started the project REPL with the command lein repl, then all of this has already been done for you.

Using the Clojure API

From the dev REPL, pull in the core API and the compiled protobuf code:

[] λ=> (require '[protobuf.core :as protobuf])
[] λ=> (import '(protobuf.examples.person Example$Person))

Now we can create a protobuf:

[] λ=> (def p (protobuf/create
                            {:id 108
                             :name "Alice"
                             :email ""}))
[] λ=> p
{:id 108, :name "Alice", :email ""}

The protocol buffer instance supports the usual Clojure operations:

[] λ=> (assoc p :name "Alice B. Carol")
{:id 108, :name "Alice B. Carol", :email ""}
[] λ=> (assoc p :likes ["climbing" "running" "jumping"])
{:id 108,
 :name "Alice",
 :email "",
 :likes ["climbing" "running" "jumping"]}

Additionally, converting between protobuf bytes and Clojure data is trivial:

[] λ=> (def b (protobuf/->bytes p))
[] λ=> b
#object["[B" 0x7e3a40eb "[B@7e3a40eb"]
[] λ=> (protobuf/bytes-> p b)
{:id 108, :name "Alice", :email ""}

Streams and Bytes

In addition to creating a protobuf instance from a Clojure map, Clojure protobuf also supports passing the following to the create function:

  • A Java byte array (i.e., of type [B)
  • A
  • A

Just as with the creating one with a map, a protobuf class is expected as the first parameter.