
The namespace which holds the entry point for the Mesomatic examples.


(-main flag)(-main master task-type)(-main master task-type task-count)

It is expected that this function be called from lein in one of the two following manners:

$ lein mesomatic <task type>


$ lein mesomatic <task type> <task count>

where <task-type> is one of:

  • executor
  • framework

and <task count> is an integer representing the number of times a task will be run. If a task count is not provided, a default value of 5 is used instead.

That being said, only Mesos should call with the executor task type; calling humans will only call with the framework task type.

Note that in order for this to work, one needs to add the following alias to the project’s project.clj:

:aliases {"mesomatic" ["run" "-m" "mesomatic-examples.core"]}



Read the mesomatic-examples config data from project.clj.

